Conference 2011
Coventry Conference
Conference 2009
Coventry Conference
Conference 2008
Aston Conference
Conference 2007
Westminster Conference
Sandwell Conference
Conference 2004
Coventry Conference 2004

Casteaway Arts


About CasteWatchUK


CasteWatchUK is a secular, non-denominational, independent and voluntary organisation registered with the Charity Commission.  We seek to promote social cohesion and an environment that respects and values individuals in society, irrespective of colour, Caste, creed, gender, background, age, orientation, race, or any other criteria encompassed in the current equality legislation in the UK.

Aims and Objectives

To advance the education of the public by raising awareness of caste discrimination occurring in the UK and to review caste discrimination practices and policies.

Provide support and other services or assistance to people who are the subject of casteism, in order to relieve their needs.

Undertake such charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time determine.

Governance and organisational structure

The governing body of CasteWatchUK is the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for the activities of CasteWatchUK. The Executive Committee is elected annually and comprises of Honorary Officers and other members without portfolio. The Honorary Officers are responsible for the day to day running of the Charity. Its powers include co-option of members and the appointment of Patrons and Advisors. The Executive Committee also has powers for the appointment of sub-committees with delegated authority subject to its direction.

How can you help CasteWatchUK ?

You can help by becoming a member of CasteWatchUK and join a team of committed volunteers who not only have a sense of social responsibility but also see it as their duty to promote social equality and social justice.

Please download the CasteWatchUK membership form, fill it in and  send it to  

You can also send us email expressing your interest. read more